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allison collins daughter of allen collinsluling texas arrests

This isnt due to poverty. Spend one hour listening to Thomas Sowell and learning habits. It has nothing to do with racism. If the esteemed doctor is going to start popping off while cluelessly not understanding the meanings of the words shes criticizing (because shes too ignorant/lazy to familiarize herself with the world that Collins comes from), well, thats her right, but she sounds like a fool. Shaming Asian Americans for toiling to get to where we are today. Allen's parents had recently divorced and times were tough for Allen, his sister and mother. Instead calling us house n*****, why doesnt she focus on education, self improvement and hard work. So the toasted sandwich kids who have worked hard, who have their OWN set of obstacles not unlike some of the Pasta loving kids, should be punished because they like toasted sandwiches? No need to overcomplicate every issue you come across. Dont be so lazy. Do not assume that all these families if students are lucky enough to have families are leveraging privilege to just get a private school education on taxpayer dollars. That school is 37% white. Maybe no wifi at home? Thank you Randy Cameron for standing in solidarity with those who were harmed by Commissioner Collins words. It is obvious to me that Collins used these tweets to rile Asian hate to her advantage in subsets of the African American community to get herself elected. They dont want to have that conversation because lots of the people making the loudest stink about Collins, in fact, harbor those very same attitudes! Have folks forgotten the racist and stereotypical mural Ellen Lee Zhou put up in SF of Mayor London Breed. 5. If she were really sorry shed reverse making Lowell Lottery, renaming 44 schools and not reopening, and ending honors and 8th grade algebra. For instance, if the racist slave owner decides he wants to scapegoat someone for spreading the some Kung-Flu, the house negro will conveniently serve as the whipping boy to which the field negros attention will focused upon and away from the master. Required fields are marked *, {{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}Your submission failed. Hey @F*ckingTired the whole reason Lowell was elite was because of the admissions test. Thats different. However, then she started stereotyping an entire community as being less than woke. She referenced Trump, no political figure in this country can get away with what Trump does. Wrong, beneath her, and shes paying now. The incident restricted him from playing the guitar again ever on stage. Whats even more sickening is that Zhou still holds her position with the California Civil Grand Juror Association as director of public relations and is a behavioral health clinician (sounds like Zhou is in need of behavioral health therapy herself). Enjoying the misfortune of others seems to cut across many barriers, including intelligence. She blabbers on and on about microaggressions and systemic racism against Black members of our community, while being utterly clueless about her own microaggressions (and systemic racismever notice how few of the hardworking students, by whom her children feel threatened and who are denounced as docile and not suited for leadership positions, end up in high level positions in the US???) According to Zhao, she took herself out of the running. Saul spares Amalek and some sheep and the like and God rebukes him: Cause, Saul wasnt murderous enough for the God of Israel. Your email address will not be published. Vote to stop renaming. Many Asians despite pressures to excel in school, still find themselves living on the economic margins in poverty. The bulk of the the model minority (aka house negro) stereotype revolves around the fallacious idea of the American work ethic. Take out of context, nuance, need to read Malcom X, blah, blah, blah. Do you think people went-oh theyre black(NEXT) like that? Collins thought she could pull a fast one during the pandemic and pull a fast one in the name of racial and social justice. Ive not been a fan of Collins. Blacks, like everyone else, have a chance to prove they can learn and are smart and are morally willing to undergo the extreme sacrifice to prove they want to work as much as other kids, many Asian, who work very, very hard, who choose long hours of study over TV, video games, social media, hanging out. Thats because whiteness is an ever evolving construct that benefits those who are in power and are free to define whiteness as they see fit. Allison was injured as a baby when her Youre wrong, Nigerians prove it. Web partisans unearthed some low-hanging fruit, the mainstream media picked up the story, and Collins was quickly irradiated and weaponized. Are they blinded by their righteousness that they cant read the room at all? Not being there, if one is relaxing, is factual laziness. Nobody is coming out of this looking good. Go to a library on San Bruno Avenue or Geneva and Mission and see how many Asian kids are there on a weekend, in the Summer. She has been very, very rude to Josephine Zhao on multiple occasions in public, at meetings, and said disrespectful things about her. Its the foundational values and morals (rather than entitlement, blame, and bringing standards down) instilled in these kids that propel them to 95% graduation rate from SFUSDnot White Supramacy values. He pleaded no contest to vehicular manslaughter and to driving under influence of alcohol. 3. Full stop. She is a disgraceful RACIST, and she needs to go. After healing up from the plane crash, he got together with Gary Rossington and other former Lynyrd Skynyrd bandmates and formed the Rossington-Collins Band. Steve Gaines. Its racism not to note. 2023 Getty Images. Collins, forgetting to mute said to another board member, I am listening to a bunch of racists. To quote Kierkegaard, once you label me you negate me. Skynyrd started gaining national success from early 1973. I think you are wrong, I think putting what she said in historical reference makes the whole house n***** reference make a lot more reasonable. Dont even try to justify racist, misdirected hate coming from a school board member. Her statements were very hurtful to me. We have 10 people who want to live in housing that would go for 3000 a month on the free market, so we should say, we dont require money, but you have to be willing to sacrifice, assimilate, attend tutoring and do everything you can to break the cycle of poverty or someone else can live in your highly desirable public housing. This is a lot to take in bc it is a broad stroke and I am trying to understand it myself. Collins use of the term House N***** is an accurate term when used to describe the position given to Asians in a white dominated society. I dont waste my time twittering, so I never saw an twitted death threats. Its not unreasonable on its face to question whether this is a system that makes sense from the perspective of how to allocate resources across every student in the district. Furthermore, we want to highlight and remember how API and Black communities have historically and are currently working together in solidarity with each other against white racism. His license was suspended for driving under the influence several times before it was outright revoked for good, but that didn't stop the former Lynyrd Skynyrd guitarist from getting behind the wheel after knocking back a few. Maybe studying wasnt certain kids priorities or maybe they were not told how important it was to get the grades to get into a merit based high school? Minority businesses in big cities thrived. Theory #3 is effort. Not to mention the treatment of the Bantu in Somalia, or conditions in Nigeria, etc. Feel free to check it out, its on NBC news. I dont think they are comparable at all. It doesnt matter if CRT is the greatest academic field ever devised or pseudointellectual trash; if what you are trying to do is formulate a coherent response to the ideas that Alison Collins actually meant, you need to, yknow, not grossly misunderstand the ideas that Alison Collins actually meant. Even the *reporters* who have been giddily covering this controversy have no interest in engaging with any of this stuff as context for their stories that would help readers make sense of what Collins meant; the level of sophistication that the average Chron journalist has on this topic is OOOH that lady used the n-word, that automatically means she did a racism.. This distinction by ethnicity is bizarre to me. Eliminating 8th grade algebra was cruel. Every poor person will only get ahead by denouncing laziness and embracing effort. In the mid to late 1980s (as well as before and since), the UC system, especially UC Berkeley, experienced a similar concern about the over-representation of Asians. The wedding also, according to Lynyrd Skynyrd History, featured one of the first performances of the iconic song "Free Bird.". 1805. Collins racist hate and her non-apology make a mockery of those very understandable fears. Its simplistic and wrong. I am sure Lowell students are very bright and work very hard. Adams ruins everything. I can understand that there are definitely challenging problems in my community that need to be addressed and speaking for myself I could see how disadvantaged I was merely bc my family and community did not know better bc their focus was on survival by the day having grown up poor themselves and although it was said go to school nobody in my community knew how to successfully enter a profession or, frankly, college. Maybe the elementary and middle schools Pasta kids went to didnt have as good funding and not as many programs? I thought a member of the board has to resign or be recalled (which requires 70k signatures, pen on paper). So lets just say its not racelets just say she said there are too many kids that like toasted sandwiches at this school. Does Ms. Collins ouster send a message ( I doubt it as weve been firing people over this for decades and it still happens)? As a Latinx parent at Lowell I feel numb and tired. never found any evidence to support that except for the So to the Asians that were able to rise above and make it into a merit based school, Alison Collins does NOT LIKE IT. If she gets away with this then what message are we sending to the school kids? If someone tweeted that and used YOUR race in the tweet, you would understand. Research shows 60% of Asian American kids start Kindergarten knowing to read. WebThe younger Collins daughter prefers a quieter life, and described herself as a stayathome mom through much of her career as a bestselling author. We belonged here! I know for a fact that there is the lack of support from school administrators and teachers to promote Black student achievement compared to other races. I will try to explain where Collins failed based on what I know. But i was a social worker and prior educator with spanish language instruction for middle grade. Honestly, those assumptions border on racist views of what Asians are, and she expressed them as a private citizen What else does she say about Asians when shes in private citizen mode? Think of this as a wake-up call. Black kids bully Asian kids all the time. Even during that horrific moment, a male of color (Latino male) was already being stereotyped, looked at as the killer and detained. Lam says she was not inclined to advocate for Collins resignation until after their phone conversation ended. Their foreign policy seems fixated on out of context Middle East history, yet they seem unconcerned with active Black African slavery in Mali, Sudan, Mauritania and, recently, Libya. What the far left is saying is that no one should have to sacrifice to get ahead, that its owed to people based on past sins. Over the next few weeks they signed on Skynyrd survivors Billy Powell and Leon Wilkeson and other local musicians, although the choice of a lead vocalist for the new band remained a perplexing one. When talking about Asians in America, Afghans and other South Asians are usually not included in the conversation. You have to use the scientific method. So theyre easily trolled into piling on to one relatively insignificant person and ignoring the growing fascist movement that threatens our democracy. I also think that if families work hard and push their kids to work hard to achieve the American dream that is a good thing. Doctor, I dont care if you singlehandedly built a sterile, working artificial heart out of three old scarves and the circuit board in a Tickle Me Elmo; if youre gonna say something as pig-ignorant as white supremacy in my opinion, is real only to the perpetrator, people are going to call you out on it, and they will be right to do so. And, that would be a correct assumption. Organize, control, distribute and measure all of your digital content. The solidarity among San Franciscos political class in calling for school board vice president Alison Collins to resign is stunning in its damn-near unanimity. Collins is the only Black woman on the school board (though these tweets were written two years before her election). Does she have a place in mind where she would prefer Asians to live and go to school? But Collins is not wrong in saying, Hey dont ignore our struggle! So if the gatekeepers in charge think poorly of you, even if they are in fact wrong, you will not achieve success. Absolutely not. Afghans are lumped in with Arab/Muslim Americans, which is a disservice to the unique needs of my community. Black brown yellow people are getting played against each other get it together people! Spend one hour listening to Amy Chua and learning habits. I dont think youd find many Asian American families who would choose A. Webthe Secret life of Wilkie,. You learn about success by behavior. Please, do just that. Who makes the plaid blue coat Jesse stone wears in Sea Change? This material was quickly seeded into the mainstream media, where headlines simply and unambiguously described Collins tweets as racist. Calls for her ouster grew deafening and, separate and apart from the content of those tweets, a city leaders decision on what to say about Collins soon became a political calculation. You felt it that she deserves to be called out for not being familiar enough on what racism means as defined by scholars YOU subscribe to (definitions which have evolved and vary), is this really being progressive and advocating for AAPI? Actually, Medium, your comment is uninformed. Nothing was taken out of context. Casting hateful racist language at an entire group does. Yeah, languages are dynamic things and they grow and contract both naturally and by the intentional influence of various groups for various reasons. I wonder why. This has been their views, stance and position against Blacks and Latinos for decades. Showing respect for and listening to the perspectives of others will often lead to progress which is good for everyone. She did worse than carjack thousands because a stranger said something. Collins then joined hands with Rossington to form Rossington Collins Band in 1979. They have also lived in Oakley, CA and Yorktown, IN. So in turn, whats being communicated to Black folks (aka field negroes) is if they model that behavior, they will also achieve success. You dont see Asian children in immigration dog cages and taken and separated from their parents by immigration. Shes unapologetic and she probably doesnt want another chance. She hurt thousands of Asian Families by destroying Lowell, and many girls who study longer hours than boys. Its in our culture to study hard as a way to get ahead when you dont have money or connections which is exactly where my family started out in the US. Apologizing means you acknowledge how your words are perceived as hurtful to others. Many whites are suffering also, mostly due to poor choices and behavior. Im not an expert, Latina, 1st gen, mestiza, grew up poor monolingual household, single parent, for whatever thats worth. If she were sorry shed support KIPP and charters, restore Lowell, and spend some of the salary increase money on tutors for black kids who will encourage them to sacrifice as many hours as the average Asian kid does. That if we do not unite in solidarity (Black, Asian, Hispanic), we all remain n-words. Rather, what I am *not* sure of is that Lowell students would not do equally well for themselves in a different system in which Lowell did not exist. I appreciate the nuance you showed here. From his earliest days Allen loved cars -- especially race cars -- and his favorite summer activity was going to Jacksonville Raceway every Saturday night to watch Leroy Yarborough race. She is incapable of building bridges. been blessed with the opportunities afforded me to attain the american dream. Were the opportunities ONLY offered to Toasted Sandwich kids? I received a class A education throughout my life yet I was in the dark on much of it until this past year. Her comments to me, as someone who is part Asian American (Afghan/South Asian), generalize an entire community. You said it- most asian americans do not harbor anti-black feelings. Why were Mexican workers able to find jobs in the Southwest? WebHere is Allen's wife, who he had his two daughters Amie & Allison with, Kathy in yearbook of Robert Lee HS. This story sounds like its gonna be juicy, but doesnt meet the hype in the end. We need advocates for our kids and not someone whos devoted to scapegoating others. She has a school named after her, and she is far from perfect. 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allison collins daughter of allen collins