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Then in 1981, the construction crew found the gold bar, and today scientists have confirmed it was part of the Aztec treasures that Cortes hoped to steal away from Mexico for Spain. A small town was built near the place A retired White Sands Missile Range security guard, residing in El Paso, Texas, indicated that he observed Johnson and former Texas Governor John Connally spending about 10 days in the desolate area around Victorio Peak in the late 1960s. . We wanted to lay the matter to rest once and for all, said General Shinkle, who is now tetireil and lives in Cocoa Beach, Fla. We gave him a lie detector test beforehand and it was apparentiy, successful but he couldn't find anything.. They even brought in their own security guards, he added. In 1939, he hired a mining engineer to try to open a wider passage into Victorio Peak, but the attempt was disastrous and there was a massive cave-in. In December 1961, General Shinkle shut down the operation and excluded anyone from entering the base who was not directly engaged in the missile research activities. After more than a year's effort, he took five bars to the Denver Mint. We all dream of stumbling onto a map or riddle that will lead us on an adventure to find a treasure of glittering gold and jewels, but most of those tales only exist in bedtime stories and movies. The family believes that as much as 100 tons of gold, which would be worth $1.25 billion at today's closing price of $358.90 an ounce on the Commodity Exchange in New York, remains hidden in. When Maxmillian heard of the plot to assassinate him, he moved his gold and treasures out of Mexico. Now, researchers say the bar was. ", According to the family, Mr. Noss took some gold bars when he found the cavern in 1937, and planned to return for the rest. A retired U.S. Army officer said that while on duty at the provost marshals office on White Sands Missile Range during the period of LBJs presidency, he was visited by four men in a late model Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham who sought permission to drive to Victorio Peak. Porter subsequently brought the gold bar to the close friend, who was an Army major. They found nothing. Meanwhile, Tony Jolley, now a 69-year-old rancher living outside Boise, Ida., never forgot those bars of gold he helped bury in 1949. But in a dispute over the treasure in 1949, the business partner, Charlie Ryan, shot Mr. Noss to death. This treasure was only the beginning. Now, scientists confirm it was part of a plunder by Spanish conquistador Hernn. However, disputing the military claim, New Mexico officials stated that they leased only the lands surface to the military. At one end of the chamber, the shaft continued downward. Alleged gold cache in the U.S. state of New Mexico, "Hunt for Fabulous Cache of Gold Lands in Court", "Following 1937 Story of Buried Gold, Family Searches New Mexico's Sands", "Seekers of fabled southern N.M. treasure sue Army", "Authors re-examine Victorio Peak storyand think gold really may be there", "Treasure or Treachery? some of the gold to Mexico, in light planes. Mrs. Noss and Mrs. Guthrie, meanwhile, say that they had heard about the 1963 search and rushed to the base, arriving the day before it ended. In 1948, Doc met Charles Ryan, a Texan involved in drilling operations and oil exploration in West Texas. The peak, named after a 19th century Apache war chief, apparently served as a repository for immense quantities of gold mined centuries ago by Spaniards and Indians and smelted into tens of thousands of crudely formed bars. Mr. Bryan, The Albuquerque Tribune writer, said he had gone through a chunk of Mr. Johnson's memorabilia recently and found both the censored and uncensored drafts of the report. Hiring a mining engineer S.E. The gold, Porters friend stated breathlessly, ran in a tremendous stack along one side of the cavern stretching for approximately 200 yards. Reportedly, he amassed a treasure of gold, silver, and jewels before being ordered back to Mexico City in 1607. Howard, E.V., 1967, Metalliferous occurrences in New Mexico: Phase 1, state resources development plan: State Planning Office, Santa Fe, 270 p. Johnson, M.G., 1972, Placer gold deposits of New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey. Near the bottom, he encountered a huge boulder hanging from the ceiling, almost blocking his way. However, Noss demanded to see the money before revealing the new hiding place. Its occasional visitors included hunting parties, and Doc Noss and his wife, Ova, were on one such expedition in search of deer. The major took the bar and told Porter to check back with him in a few days. Mr. Bailey will not say, but Mrs. Noss and, her dozen or so partners have filed a $1billion Federal Court suit charging that the Government, the Secretary of the Army, several military officers and 200 John Does were conspiring to bilk her out of the treasure. In 1955, the missile range was expanded and, the Army closed Victoria Peak to outsiders. They bore the Spanish stamp. The deposits generally occur in Late Tertiary- to Holocene-age alluvial fan deposits, bench or terrace gravel deposits, river-bars, and stream deposits or as residual placers formed directly on top of lode deposits typically derived from Proterozoic, Cretaceous, and Tertiary source rocks. Just 12 years after discovering the treasure, Doc Noss died with just $2.16 in his pocket. On the night of March 4, 1949, I went with Doc Noss and dug up 20 bars of gold at a windmill in the desert east of Hatch, New Mexico, and reburied them in the basin where Victorio Peak is. After scraping a small section of the bar clean, she exclaimed, Doc, this is gold!. Returning through the main cavern, he noticed an immense stack of metal bars off to one side. The future economic potential will depend upon the discovery of large-volume, medium-grade deposits that can be mined by bulk-mining methods. History [ edit] Doc Noss The treasure was allegedly found in 1937 by American businessman and gold prospector Milton Ernest "Doc" Noss. The two decided to keep the discovery between themselves and return to inspect the shaft later. In the meantime, Mrs. Noss said her spies, illegally visited the peak and found military men excavating it. That I had known E.M. Guthrie for about three years prior to this meeting and knew him to be the husband of Letha Guthrie, stepdaughter of Milton Ernest Doc Noss. In 1958, Leonard V. Fiege, then an Air Force captain stationed at nearby Holloman Air: Force Base, and three other men, contended that while deer hunting they found a cave filled with gold bars. Doc Noss was born in Oklahoma and traveled all over the Southwest, seeking excitement. The initial soundings appear to indicate a cavern precisely where Mr. Noss described. Sam Scott, for example, a retired airline pilot, was warned in 1977 to keep clear of anything regarding Victorio Peak for at least five years under pain of having his home firebombed and his wife and daughter killed. Estimates vary on the number of bars removed, ranging up to 350 or so. Over the weekend, he said, someone found the chest he had buried with gold nuggets, coins, gems and artifacts. Only four districts have each yielded more than 100,000 oz of placer gold production: Elizabethtown-Baldy (DIS019), Hillsboro (DIS197), Old Placers (DIS187), and New Placers (DIS186). Topic at Watergate Hearings. Native gold and electrum occurs with quartz, magnetite, ilmenite, amphiboles, pyroxenes, pyrite, zircon, garnet, rutile, and a variety of other heavy minerals. Some were sold on the black market, some were stolen but others remained hidden during the next seven years when Doc and a bevy of partners attempted to dig back into the caverns, she asserted. Victorio used the entire Hembrillo Basin as his stronghold, refusing to live on the San Carlos Reservation in Arizona, where the government wanted to banish him. Testing the old wooden pole attached to one side of the passage, Doc rejected the idea of using it and dropped into the shaft with a rope instead. There is evidence to indicate that many gold bars were removed from Victorio Peak a short time after Lynn Porter brought the bar to the Fort Bliss provost marshals office. With so many options available, APMEX has made it easy to find the right Gold bar for your collection or portfolio. But while trying to blast his way to the gold in 1939, he accidentally closed the hole. They were searching in the wrong place, Mrs. Noss said. And a fourth story, pieced together recently by Howard Bryan, a reporter for The Albuquerque Tribune, centers on another Apache war chief named Victorio. That three or four weeks later Frank Foss told me that E.M. had called him and said he was in Central America. (1.93 kilograms), while digging for the construction of a central bank in Mexico City. The next day, March 5, 1949, Ryan arrived in the area, insisting that they discuss the problem of what happened to the gold. Noss soon deserted Babe, and in November 1945, a divorce was granted. Did they even exist at all? In 1981, a worker in Mexico City found a gold bar just north of Alameda Centralthe oldest public park in the Americasduring the construction of a bank. Theories spread over how 16,000 gold bars came to be stashed away in a random cave in New Mexico. This has led to charges that military officers have stolen, are stealing, or are preparing to steal the treasure for themselves. Passing through the large cavern, he came to a series of smaller caves rooms, he called them. The skeletons hands were bound behind its back apparently, the person had been deliberately left there to die. As Doc continued to explore the side caverns, he found a hoard of treasure, including coins, jewels, saddles, and priceless artifacts, including a gold statue of the Virgin Mary. Large movements of bullion from the peak went on for nearly a decade, with the largest single removal of gold occurring in 1976, according to Bill Shriver. This theory explains the thousands of gold bars, antiquities, and artifacts dating more than 100 years later. Using ropes for support and guided by his flashlights wavering beam, Doc Noss descended a series of interconnecting chambers which led downward for 186 feet. Leon Trabuco's Gold A Mexican businessman buries 16 tons of gold in the New Mexico desert and then dies before telling anyone where it is. Four major groups of claimants accuse the oothers of trying to cheat them out of it. Mexico's National Institute of Anthropology (INAH) says it has now confirmed that a 1.93-kilogram gold bar was part of looted Aztec treasure (AFP Photo/Jesus VALDOVINOS) A gold bar, found 15 feet down in a Mexico City park in 1981, was just announced to have been part of Montezuma's treasure. To preserve these articles as they originally appeared, The Times does not alter, edit or update them. Description: Victorio Peak is surrounded by inhospitable environment near Hot Springs, New Mexico. Part II: The bizarre history of Victorio Peak continues to unravel as the Army, the Treasury Department and the Secret Service authorize a top secret operation aimed at locating and bringing out the gold. The caverns are located in and around Victorio Peak, in a remote, rugged section of south-central New Mexico. Many streams in New Mexico contain at least traces of gold, enough to satisfy weekend gold panners. He also asserts that military security officers censored out of his report all references to military searches for the treasure. Los Angeles Times Published historic reserves exist for only two districts: Jicarilla with 5.4 million yd3 of 0.043 oz Au/yd3, or approximately 230,000 oz Au in place and Pittsburg with 2 million yd3 of 0.01 oz Au/yd3, or approximately 20,000 oz Au in place in 1936. It is estimated that 662,000 oz of gold have been produced from placer deposits throughout New Mexico from 1828 to 1991. The earliest reports of placer mining were in the 1600s along the northern Rio Grande. After 35 years of localized dispute, the Great White Sands Missile Range Lost Gold Treasure Affair has blossomed into a national mystery. Only four districts have each yielded more than 100,000 oz of placer gold production: Elizabethtown-Baldy (DIS019), Hillsboro (DIS197), Old Placers (DIS187), and New Placers (DIS186). The sources of this threat, according to the man who relayed the threat to Scott, were two agents of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. Reaching down, he could not budge it, but after digging around the rock, he got his hands under it. This Massive Mine in Utah Has Produced More Gold than Most States! Yet, Doc trusted no one, not even his Babe, disappearing into the desert, hiding pieces of the treasure in places that he never revealed. A gold bar found in a Mexico City park in 1981 was part of the Aztec treasure looted by Hernan Cortes and the Spanish conquistadors 500 years ago, a new study says. If the treasure was real, Noss had poor timing. The dispute was finally worked out when a federal court issued a compromise of sorts, which stated the Army would continue to use the lands surface, but no one would be allowed on the property without the Armys consent. Though the military confirmed that Swanner had served at White Sands during this time, they claimed there were no documents to support an investigation into the mine nor the removal of the gold bars. 2016, Trace Element Analysis of Placer Gold Samples (abstr. The reports of the massive treasure would consume his marriage and eventually his life, and mysteries around the treasure persist to this day (via Legends of America). The bars that Noss and his crew removed from Victorio Peak were, in general, crudely formed, indicating the use of primitive smelting processes. Seeking out the Seven Cities of Gold, Onate was said to have been a cruel man, brutally subjugating the Indians to do his bidding by beating and torturing them. In 1828, large placer deposits were found in the Ortiz Mountains in Santa Fe County (Old Placers district, DIS187), which began one of the earliest gold rushes in the western United States. But, she said, mint officers confiscated the five bars and gave her husband a receipt for $97,000. An investigation by Freedom has probed the history of that region, particularly the nearly 49 years since gold bars were first found in that area in November 1937 by a man named Milton Ernest "Doc" Noss, as fascinating a character as ever held a six-gun. I've heard that story at least 500 times. She appealed to state officials, who forced the search to stop. Moon, said that he was from the White House Secret Service detail and he showed the officer a green, laminated card which stated Secret Service, Division of the White House. Another man, an engineer named Dick Richardson, told the officer that he was a boyhood friend of Lyndon Johnsons and that he had personally counted 18,888 gold bars in one stack in a cavern at Victorio Peak, each bar weighing about 60 pounds. After three years they were given permission to go back to Victoria. This Nevada Gold Mine Produces Amazing Crystalline Gold Nuggets! Denied entry by the courts until legalities could determine the legal owner of the mine; Doc feared Ryan would back out of the deal. A new chemical analysis of a large gold bar found under a Mexico City street in 1981 has shed light on its centuries-old origins. But in August, the Army turned him down, saying he deserves no more favored treatment than some 300 others who ask each year for permission to enter the missile range to search. There wasn't much known about a 4-pound gold bar discovered during construction work in Mexico City nearly 40 years ago, but now experts are calling the precious metal an Aztec relic. Dangerous unexploded 20mm shells from Phantom jet target practice dot the range, the Army insists. Gold Bars Dozens of people claim a piece of the actionthat is, gold bars and treasure said to be hidden on the missile range, and worth from a few million dollars to $1.5billion. The reported treasure and efforts to find it have been covered in books and on television, including: On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. It is estimated that 662,000 oz of gold have been produced from placer deposits throughout New Mexico from 1828 to 1991. Others speculate that the treasure could be the missing wealth of Emperor Maxmillian, who served as Mexicos emperor in the 1860s. For the next few years, Mr. Noss sought partners to help him find the gold. The total price for such a happy. By completing a chemical analysis and determining the particle morphology of placer gold collected from these districts using an electron microprobe, patterns in the chemical signatures from each location can be used to examine chemical variability (1) within the individual placer gold particles, (2) within the same district and (3) among different districts. Army spokesmen have consistently dismissed all reports of Victorio Peak gold as rumors. An apparent propaganda campaign, in fact, has been conducted for many years by the Army in order to dispel these reports and to keep treasure seekers away from the missile range. CNN Almost four decades ago, a gold bar was found on land that used to be Aztec ruins in Mexico. He also found some old letters, the most recent of which was dated 1880. Beyond that there is supposed to be another incline upward at about 30 degrees for some distance (40 feet as I remember it) where entrance is gained to a cave some 2700 feet long which contains many evidences that the cave was occupied as living quarters by a large group of humans for many years., The group evidently had some grisly practices, for the first thing Doc Noss encountered was a row of skeletons, 27 in all. This writer conducted extensive interviews with Thomas Berlett. hell, I'll get Eleanor.. Another concerns renegades who robbed the Monterey Mint in 1743 and were in turn attacked by Apaches. As a child, he said he remembered his grandmother, Ova Noss, talking about it ceaselessly. A jury ruled that Mr. Ryan had acted in self-defense. Among those who attested to the accessibility of the peaks treasure was Lynn Porter, a businessman now residing in San Diego, California. [7], Theories abound on the origins of the alleged treasure, including that it was pilfered from Mexico during the reign of the Austrian puppet Emperor Maximilian, or through collusion between Pancho Villa and Germany prior to World War I.[8]. Rare Gold Nuggets. Reportedly the military was able to penetrate one of the caves and inventory the contents. In 1937, the peak was miles from nowhere. Another woman, now Mrs. Violet Yancy of Fort Worth, says she married Noss in 1947, that she is his legal widow, and that he gave her 76 per cent interest in the treasure. Finally reaching the bottom, Doc stepped into a chamber the size of a small room. Meanwhile, Noss's mining claims (for talc as a disguise) expired in 1948, and Mrs. Noss renewed them in her name. Mr. Bailey, who represents 50 unidentified claimants, says that with a helicopter and a half an hour he can lead officials to 292 gold bars, for openers. When Docs story eventually hit the headlines, scholars began speculating on how the enormous treasure could have come to be stashed inside Victorio Peak. The blast was a disaster, causing a cave-in, collapsing the fragile shafts, and effectively shutting Doc out of his mine. A third, smaller stack, pyramidal in shape, stood about three feet high. South Pass City - A Look into Wyoming's Past. In a four-page confidential report entitled Field Examination of Noss Mining Claims, Hembrillo District, Herkenhoff recorded a description: Dr. In November 1958, a team of four weekend gold seekers rediscovered the hoard. One partner, Charles Ryan, shot and killed Doc on March 5, 1949, in Hatch, N. M., after an argument. No one in the provost marshals office to whom Porter talked would admit to knowing anything about the gold, and he was warned by the provost marshal that any future trespassing would be dealt with severely. Doc tried several times to regain entry into his mine, but the shaft was sealed with tons of debris. Through the years, soldiers at White Sands have spent weekends looking for the gold. White Sands Missile Range, Legends, Ghosts, Myths and Mysteries Main Page, Byways & Historic Trails Great Drives in America, Soldiers and Officers in American History, Washington-on-the-Brazos, Texas Declaring Independence, Stanley, Ks Extinct but Still Here (LOK), Black Bob Reservation in Johnson County (LOK), Make History Come Alive With These Online Tools and Resources. But when the Army; Air Force; the White House; Congressmen; New Mexico's Governor and F. Lee Bailey and dozens of other lawyers get into a single treasure saga, only confusion and rumors remain cheap. A new scientific analysis of a large gold bar found decades ago in downtown Mexico City reveals it was part of the plunder Spanish conquerors tried to carry away as they fled the Aztec capital . He used too much dynamite, and the cave collapsed, sealing in the treasure. The rate of this tax varies from 5.125% to 8.8675% depending on where the business is . Immediately reporting the activity to Babe Noss, Babe contacted Oscar Jordan with the New Mexico State Land Office, who, in turn, contacted the Judge Advocates Office at White Sands. They insisted they were photographed, finger printed, harassed and not al lowed to go near the search area. Joe Andregg, an electrician from Santa Fe, New Mexico, reflected on the days when he worked with Doc Noss in the late 1930s. In 1963, the Gaddis Mining Company of Denver, Colorado, obtained permission to work the site under a contract with the Denver Mint and the Museum of New Mexico. With legal ownership established, Noss began to work the claim openly, but he also became increasingly paranoid, hiding the gold bars all over the desert. They come in a variety of weights, fineness and designs. His warriors raided southern New Mexico and Texasin an all-out war against the U.S. Army and the Texas Rangers. [6][5] By 1992, a grandson of Ova formed the Ova Noss Family Partnership to finance additional searching. Stepping into the eerie darkness, Doc was alarmed when he saw a human skeleton, kneeling and securely tied to a stake, driven into the ground. The earliest reports of Victorio Peak gold as rumors the accessibility of the to! Springs, New Mexico 16,000 gold bars came to a series of smaller caves rooms he. And designs years, Mr. Noss sought partners to help him find the to! Dispute, the Army insists as a child, he came to be Aztec in! Gold to Mexico City street in 1981 has shed light on its origins... Gold! the rock, he said he was in Central America Pass City - a Look into &... Child, he called them seekers rediscovered the hoard the shaft later cheat... Searches for the construction of a plunder by Spanish conquistador Hernn cavern where! 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gold bars found in new mexico